Craving His Attention Read online

Page 3

  “What does any of this have to do with your mother?” he asked, still looking shocked and confused.

  “Quite a lot, actually,” Brenda said as she looked straight ahead like she was deeply pondering, then looked back up at him. “Sit down with me, let's talk about this now.”

  Adam cautiously sat at the edge of the bed facing her, still clinging to his robe. He sat and stared at her as she raised herself up, looking like she was trying to collect her thoughts.

  “All the while that Paige was growing up, I've tried to bring a little structure into her life. That meant having to be the disciplinarian many times, but I tried to do so without becoming my mother, or at least not doing to Paige what my mother did to me. Mainly, driving a wedge between me and my father. You've always been more inclined to just let Paige remain the free spirit that she obviously is, which I've always been willing to just sit back and let you do, or at least not get in the way of it. I've always been determined that I was just going to step back and let the relationship between you and Paige develop into whatever it developed into. That wasn't always an easy pledge for me to keep.”

  “And now you feel like you have to step in, I understand that,” Adam started to say.

  Adam was surprised once again at what looked like a slight grin starting to form on Brenda's face as she brought her finger up to her lips, indicating for him not to talk, but just to listen.

  “That's not exactly what I'm trying to say here,” Brenda continued, trying to move past being slightly entertained by Adam's confusion. “What you and Paige did the last couple of nights...and yes, I did see you in Paige's room last night as well...was certainly unusual, maybe even immoral. But, at least in my mind, it was...understandable.”

  Adam's face was now totally awash in confusion. “What, are you saying you don't mind that I was sitting in there watching her masturbate?”

  “Well, I'm not exactly saying that either,” she replied, still looking like she was pondering how to best explain what she was feeling. “On many, many occasions, including the last couple of nights, I've been very jealous of Paige. But not for the reasons you think.”

  “What do you mean?” Adam asked, looking like he was desperately trying to understand.

  “I'm not jealous of Paige because of the attention she's gotten from you. I'm jealous because she's gotten the attention from her father that I'd never gotten from mine.”

  “Are you saying that you wanted your father to watch you masturbate?”

  Brenda let out a chuckle. “What I'm saying is, if it wasn't for my mother verbally beating back my father for paying 'too much' attention to me at times, who knows what sort of relationship may have developed between my dad and me. I've always felt an attraction to him of one sort or another, but my mother never allowed it to grow, for either one of us. I'm almost convinced that some sort of intimacy would have developed, at the very least a heavy flirtation, if not something outright sexual. I would have welcomed something like that, and I think he might have also.”

  Adam just looked straight ahead for a moment, trying to digest the confession his wife just gave.

  “Wow,” he finally said. “I expected a discussion taking place between us here, but not one that took this sort of turn.”

  Brenda flashed him a grin as she reached her hand out, silently asking him to take it, which he did.

  “The hardest part of all that while growing up,” she continued, “were the looks of almost utter sadness at times when he looked at me. Like he wanted to get closer to me somehow, but wasn't allowed to. I never wanted Paige to experience those looks from her father that I ended up getting from mine.”

  Adam looked almost sympathetically at his wife, wanting to make her feel better somehow, but had no idea how. “So where do we go from here? What exactly are you saying to me?”

  “What I'm saying is, whatever directions you and Paige want your relationship to take, I want you both to feel free to take it. If this is all the farther it goes, fine. If you two want to take it further, then do so. I mean, you are fixed, so it's not like you could get her pregnant or anything.”

  “I'm not going to have sex with our daughter!” Adam said definitively.

  “Then don't,” Brenda responded, shrugging her shoulders. “Take it however far the two of you want to take it. I would have with my father if I ever would've had the chance.”

  Adam looked at Brenda almost as if he was seeing her for the first time. “Wow,” he finally said.

  “Wow what?” she asked, her words laced with a faint laugh.

  “Even after twenty years of marriage, you still seem to find ways to totally surprise me.”

  “We do seem to do that a lot with each other, don't we?”

  “Do you plan to tell Paige at least some of what you've just told me?”

  “Actually, I wasn't really planning on telling Paige anything about this. You can tell her what you want to.”

  “Why not?”

  “In the first place, like I said, I don't really want to influence your relationship with each other either way. Whatever develops between you two should be between the two of you. In the second place, what difference would it really make? You know how it usually goes whenever I try to reign her in. More often than not she would end up doing what she wants to anyway, she would just get better at hiding it. I'm sure she's figured it out by now that I'm aware of what's going on, or soon will. You know how intuitive she is. At least if she knows that I know, there won't be any sneaking around behind my back.”

  “And what about you and me? How does all this affect our relationship?”

  Brenda hesitated a moment. “Do you still love me?”

  “More so every day,” Adam responded, placing his other hand on her hand also.

  “And do you still want me?”


  “Then whatever happens, I'll be okay.”

  Adam crawled into bed beside her and guided her head to his chest, Brenda eagerly accepting it. He squeezed as he wrapped his arms around her, breathing in the familiar scent of her hair.

  “Would you really have had sex with your dad if he had wanted you to?”

  “Yeah, I think I would have,” Brenda replied after pondering for a second. “The thought has certainly entered my mind a few times. Does that bother you?”

  Thinking for a couple of seconds, Adam replied, “Actually, it kind of turns me on.”

  “Oh, really...” Brenda responded, running her finger down his stomach.

  “Well, yeah. I guess I never realized my wife could be so...naughty.”

  “Oh, you know how naughty I can be,” she said seductively as she reached down to feel his rapidly stiffening shaft.

  “Well, yeah, but not...that naughty!”

  She lifted her head up and brought her lips up to his ear. “Do you want me to show you the naughty things I've thought about doing with him?”

  Without even waiting for an answer, she slowly lowered her head down to his cock, taking the head of it into her mouth, causing an uncontrollable gasp to escape from his lips. The gasp turned into moans as she ran her lips up and down his shaft, taking more of his cock into her mouth with each downward stroke.

  Two days of unresolved stimulation which had built up in Adam's cock made him a little impatient, and it didn't take him long to coax his wife onto her back, kissing her deeply as he positioned himself on top of her. He slid easily into her, amazed at how wet and ready she was. It excited him even more realizing that it was at least partially due to her thoughts about her father that she had just admitted to him.

  “I'd give your dad to you if I could,” he said, looking into her eyes with lust as he thrust his cock deep into her wet and eager pussy. “I'd let him be the one to be fucking you right now if it was possible!”

  “Would you?” she asked, her pussy tightening as it quivered in response to his words. “Would you let me fuck him? Would you let me fuck my daddy

  “As much as you want!” he exclaimed, pounding into her faster, sensing and feeding off of her excitement over the idea. “You could fuck him all night long if you wanted to! Would you like that? Would you like to fuck your dad all night long, over and over again?”

  “Ohh yes!” Brenda gasped as her body started to clench in orgasm. “Oh yes, I'd love to feel him pounding into me just like this! To feel his cock inside of me, and taking me,!!”

  Brenda's words pushed Adam over the edge, causing him to flood her pussy with his cum as he thrust into her as deep as he could. Waves of orgasm flooded through Brenda's body, her pussy tightening around Adam's cock like it never wanted to let go, feeling his cum spurt forcefully into her. Adam collapsed onto her, his cock continuing to throb inside of her, releasing the last remaining drops of cum as his orgasm subsided.

  Brenda looked into Adam's eyes as he raised his head, both of them still panting from their shared pleasure. “You keep fucking me like that, you and Paige can end up doing whatever you want to do!”

  Adam hesitated a moment before responding. “We can talk about Paige later. Right now I just want to concentrate on you, to enjoy this pleasure with you for now.”

  As usual, Adam knew just what to say to her, to make her feel like the most desired woman on earth. She pressed her lips to his, and they devoured each others' mouths, pressing their bodies as tightly to each other as they could. Finally Adam rolled off of her, lying on his back and once again letting her rest in his arms, her head on his chest, eventually both of them succumbing to a satisfied sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Paige laid in her bed the following night, closing her textbook after finishing her homework and laying the book over on her nightstand. She laid on her stomach, clutching her oversized pillow and letting her mind wander to the various events of the day.

  She could sense something was different, but couldn't quite put her finger on it. Whenever she saw her parents together, there was a sense of closeness that was very overt and apparent. Her parents were always close, but there seemed to be a new 'connection' between them that she had never sensed till then. In addition, whenever Paige's mother looked at her, it was almost as if she was secretly grinning. Not really at her, but about her. Yet at the same time, there seemed to be a sadness within her, a sadness that almost looked like she was trying to cover up.

  Paige shook her head quickly as she turned over onto her back, almost as if she was trying to shake the thoughts out of head before they started driving her crazy with confusion. She got up and flipped her overhead light off, leaving on the light on her nightstand as she undressed, wondering if there was a chance her father would pay her another visit in her room before he went to bed. She decided to forgo slipping on her oversized t-shirt and panties just in case, crawling under the blanket fully nude. Her pussy was already starting to get moist from the thought of her father watching her masturbate again.

  Looking over at her alarm clock, she realized that if her father had to end up working late on the computer again, it would be at least another hour before he came upstairs. She picked up a magazine off of the bottom shelf of her nightstand and decided to rummage through it in order to pass some of the time. She propped up her pillow and leaned back on it, and no sooner had she gotten through the first couple of pages, she was surprised to see her father poking his head in the partially opened door.

  “Oh, hi Daddy!” she chirped delightedly as she smiled up at him

  “Hey, sweetie,” he replied as he walked in, immediately noticing her bare breasts peeking over the blanket, observing that they actually looked somewhat larger as she was sitting upright than they did when she was laying down. “I didn't have any work to do tonight, so I thought I'd come up to bed a little early. Would you like me to watch you again for a little bit before you go to sleep?”

  “Sure, Daddy! On one condition...”, she said, cocking her head slightly and trying to give him a stern look.

  “And what's that?”

  “That you don't sit all the way across the room this time,” she said, grinning seductively.

  Adam grinned, hesitating a second. “How about if I roll the chair over beside your bed?”

  “Okay!” she exclaimed as she flipped the blanket off of her, revealing her nude body to her father.

  Adam smiled in appreciation of her naked form as he rolled the chair over beside her bed and sat down. Paige's eyes locked onto her father's face as she brought her hands up to massage her breasts, feeling the nipples harden underneath her palms.

  Adam watched hypnotized as her right hand slid down her stomach and over her mound, his cock involuntarily starting to swell as Paige ran her finger over the outer folds, making them glisten with her increasing wetness.

  Paige started to gasp as her pleasure intensified more and more, her pussy reacting with little mini-orgasms as she saw her father's eyes gazing upon her hand as it explored her opening. Adam slid his right hand over the growing bulge in his pants and rubbed on it, a bit more boldly than he did the night before. Paige watched in amazement as he massage his crotch, even allowing a slight gasp to escape his lips occasionally.

  Sensing that her father was open to taking things a step further, she boldly asked him, “Can I watch you too, Daddy? Would you like to take it out and play with it in front of me?”

  His heart raced faster at the thought, compounded by his daughter's voice asking him to do it. She almost sounding like a little girl asking him to play a game with her, causing his hardened cock to twitch in excitement.

  “Would you like that? Would you like to watch Daddy masturbate also?”

  “Can I, Daddy? I'd very much like to see it and watch you play with it while you watch me!”

  Hesitating just for a second, Adam stood up and undid his pants. Paige's heart raced faster than she ever remembered it racing before as she watched him pull down the zipper and slide his pants and boxers both down at the same time. Adam watched his daughter's eyes widen in disbelief as she gazed at his cock for the first time.

  “Ohh, Daddy!! It's so big and hard and beautiful!”

  Adam grinned proudly as he sat down, slipping his pants and boxers completely off and sitting back, allowing Paige a full and unashamed view of it.

  “Have you ever seen a cock before?” he asked as he wrapped his fingers around it, starting to stroke it slowly and methodically.

  “Kinda sorta,” Paige responded, squeezing her breast harder as she plunged her fingers into her pussy. “I felt a boy's cock under the bleachers at school one time.”

  “Oh, did you now,” Adam responded somewhat sternly, his excitement intensifying from his daughter's intimate confession.

  “I didn't really get that good of a look at it, though, I just mainly reached down into his pants and fondled it for a while.”

  “Did you make him cum?” Adam asked, the pace of his stroking quickening as he tried picturing his daughter jacking some boy off under the bleachers.

  “Yeah, he didn't last very long,” Paige replied, giggling slightly as she was explaining. “I felt his cum spurt onto my hand, but I didn't really get a good look at that either.”

  “That doesn't sound like it was a very good experience for you,” Adam said as he released his cock, trying to tone down his own excitement, not wanting to cum just yet.

  He reached up and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt to open it up, causing Paige to gasp at her father's exposed chest. Adam reached back down for his cock, spreading the pre-cum leaking from slit over the head and down the shaft. More pre-cum emerged from the head as he stroked, leaking down and further lubricating his cock. Adam watched Paige's mesmerized reaction, realizing that this was the first time that Paige had ever actually seen a cock react to sexual stimulation.

  “Would you like to see a cock cum, sweetie?”

  “Oh, I very much want to watch you cum, Daddy!” she responded, her words struggling through h
er gasping breath. “Can I watch you orgasm, Daddy? Oh, let me watch you spurt! Let me watch you cum, Daddy!”

  Paige's urging pushed Adam over the edge, and he knew he was going to shoot hard. He tried to aim his cock as close to his stomach as possible as he felt his impending orgasm bubble up inside his balls. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, his body clenching involuntarily as he coaxed out his orgasm with his hand stroking furiously at his cock, the muscles in his scrotum forcing out spurt after spurt of white cream all the way up his stomach, chest and neck, the first couple of spurts shooting up almost all the way to his chin. He heard Paige's low moans, knowing that the sight of his convulsing cock was sending her into quivering orgasms as well, intensifying his own climax even further.

  Adam and Paige both sat panting for a moment or so as they just looked at each other, father and daughter reveling in the orgasmic experience they just shared. Paige continued to run her fingers over her folds as she stared in awe at the streams of cum covering her father's chest and stomach, her clit and her nipples too sensitive at this point to even touch.

  “Oh, Daddy, that was so incredible!” she finally managed to say as her breathing started to return to normal. “You made me cum so hard, Daddy!”

  A slight laugh escaped from Adam's mouth as he too struggled to slow down his breathing. “Well, you obviously made me cum pretty hard too, sweetheart.”

  Slight ripples of pleasure were still trickling through Paige's pussy as she watched her father reach down for his boxers, using them to wipe the cum off of his chest and stomach. In a way she was sad that the evidence of her father's excitement over her was no longer visible. She noticed his once hard cock diminish, still a beautiful and exciting sight to her, but now soft and pliable, swinging as he moved.

  Adam got up from the chair and set the boxers down all bunched up on the seat, then put his pants back on, carefully positioning his now soft cock so the zipper wouldn't catch it. Paige was saddened that it was no longer visible to her, resisting the urge to make her father promise that she would be able to see it again soon.