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  She completed the look by adding a pair of black shorts that held tight against her thighs and traced along the curvature of her butt almost like it was painted on. Since it was fairly warm out, she felt she could ‘get away’ with that instead of the slacks or jeans she normally wears. She considered adding a pair of high heels which she felt would highly accentuate her shapely legs, but figured that might be a bit too much. Instead she settled on a pair of thongs. Much ‘safer’, she thought as she fought off another mild tingle of excitement.

  Just a small dab of perfume and a tussle of her dark hair, and she felt the look was complete. She stood in front of the mirror and grinned. She actually felt butterflies in her stomach by what she was about to do. She liked the image of the woman staring back at her. She was still sexy. She was still alluring. And she felt an excitement in her gut that she hadn't felt in years.

  Paula’s heart started beating wildly as she heard the front door open and heard the plunk of her son’s bookbag hit the floor. She stood at the sink washing dishes, feeling the flutters intensify as his footsteps drew closer. She felt her heart would almost burst out of her chest as Justin walked into the room.

  “Hey, sweetie,” she chirped, trying desperately to smile casually as she looked up at him.

  “Hey… Mom.” Justin stood there for a couple of seconds as he glanced at his mother, curiosity filling his eyes as well as his voice, but his slightly widened eyes as his mother's form filled his vision was more than noticeable to Paula.

  Paula could feel her son's eyes on her as Justin walked behind her toward the refrigerator. Paula looked down toward the plate she was washing, trying desperately to keep her giddy smile of satisfaction hidden from her son. As soon as she could halfway manage to control her expression, she looked behind her at him as he continued to gaze upon her while drinking the glass of milk he poured.

  “Is something wrong, sweetie?” Paula was surprised at herself for managing to hold back the glee she was feeling as she spoke.

  “No,” Justin replied after gulping down his drink. “It's just that you usually don't dress like that.”

  “Oh.” Paula let a slight laugh escape her lips as she looked casually back down at the sink and continued washing. “I'm a little behind on laundry, so I just threw some old stuff on till I could get to it.”

  “Oh. I see.” Justin’s voice was low and sounded distracted, as if he wasn't really paying that much attention to his mother's response. Paula looked back at him again a few seconds later to see him still gazing at her, leaning back against the kitchen table as he took another drink.

  “I don't look that terrible, do I?”

  “No! Not at all!” Justin exclaimed, immediately looking slightly embarrassed at his display of exuberance. “You just look… different.”

  “I just look lazy, is probably what it is,” Paula replied as she looked back down at the sink, trying desperately to hide her excitement at being ogled by her own son.

  Justin quietly let the comment pass without response, allowing himself a few more seconds of taking in the sight of his mother's full-figured form before taking his glass and a half bag of chips and walking out.

  “Well, I'm going to go up and watch some TV for a while before supper,” he announced as he walked behind her and out the doorway.

  “You might want to think about getting a start on whatever homework you might have before supper, too,” Paula called out after him, trying to exude a strict motherly tone through the lascivious feelings rushing through her at the moment. Justin let that comment pass without response as well.

  “Wow!” Paula mouthed silently as soon as Justin was out of eyesight. Totally taken aback at her son’s reaction, Paula had to steady herself against the sink as her heart pounded excruciatingly fast with excitement. Well. I would call that ‘experiment’ a success, she thought to herself with a mild laugh. As she allowed a brief passing thought of what her son might have been in such a rush to go up to his room to do, she actually felt a tingle start to develop deep inside her pussy.

  Also available:

  The Beginnings Collection

  (Includes Books 1, 2, and 3 of The Angel Falls Library Files)

  Additional titles by Forrest Young

  Spinning Heads:

  A collection of erotic short stories




  Voyeuristic Delights

  Private Conversations

  Spinning Heads: Volume One

  Spinning Heads: Volume Two

  Full length titles

  Confessions of My Nephew

  Mother Pushes the Swing

  If the Door Is Open

  The Irresistible Moms Collection

  Additional titles by Lilly-Rose Young

  Pushing Boundaries

  Connect with the authors online

  Thank you for purchasing and reading this ebook! Being that it is our first full collaboration, it is very special to us. We hope you enjoyed it and that it ended up stimulating your imagination. We would be delighted to hear from our readers, so if you have comments, positive or negative, there are a number of ways you can contact either of us, including directly by email:

  Forrest Young email: [email protected]

  Lilly-Rose Young email: [email protected]

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